High Amount Of Activity For Summer At GMC Hoops

SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NJ–As we reach the end of July, GMC Hoops has been getting a rather high amount of activity for just the summer. Normally, with many families going on vacation, and enjoying the nice weather that the summer months bring, the site usually only gets a modest amount of hits. Last summer for example, the web site garnered about an average of 6,000 hits per day. Well, in June the site collected an average of 7,202 hits per day for approximately a total of 219,000 hits while July has been even better with 8,242 hits for a total of about 230,000 hits. One day recently, there was a total of over 12,000 hits on the site, which is one of the highest summer days in activity ever. As far as the total of hits for the year from August 2007 to July 2008, the total is approximately 4.13 million hits. Thanks again for your support.